The DHPEC, under the Ministry of Health, aims to enhance disease prevention, boost demand for health services, integrate health promotion, raise awareness, improve health communication, advocate for disease prevention, and engage stakeholders in public health efforts. 

Indicators Tracked through this Sector include:

# 1

Number of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Social Listening and Evidence Generation activities conducted

The indicator measures the number of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Social Listening, and Evidence Generation activities conducted in the reporting period.

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# 2

Number of Stakeholders Engagements for Public Health Activities held

The indicator measures the number of meetings, consultations, or interactions conducted with various stakeholders involved in public health initiatives within the reporting period.

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# 3

Number of Strategic Health Communication activities conducted

The indicator measures the number of Strategic Health Communication activities conducted within a specified period to promote health, raise awareness, and influence Behavior change. These activities are designed strategically to reach specific target audiences with tailored messages and interventions.

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# 4

Number of Community Health Promotion Initiatives and Programs conducted

The indicator measures the number of activities, projects, or programs implemented within communities to promote health and encourage positive behavior change over a specific period.

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# 5

Number of Health Education and Social Behavior Change Communication Materials approved

The indicator measures the quantity of educational and communication materials related to health promotion and behavior change that have undergone an official review and approval process within the reporting period.

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# 6

Number of orientations/trainings conducted

This indicator measures the number of health promotion capacity building activities conducted, including both trainings and orientations. It is disaggregated by category reached (Taskforce, CSOs, traditional/cultural and religious leaders, influencers, VHTs).

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# 7

Number of health promotion, education & communication policy guidelines, strategies and operational plans developed and disseminated or conducted

The indicator measures the number of policy documents and operational plans created and disseminated to guide health promotion, education, and communication activities within the reporting period.

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# 8

Number of technical support supervision activities conducted

The indicator measures the number of health promotion and SBC related supportive supervision visits conducted by MOH, IPS, CBOs, districts to provide guidance, oversight, and assistance to individuals, teams, or facilities involved in program implementation or service delivery within the reporting period.

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# 9

Number of CHWS/VHTS activities and programs conducted


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